Let's run down some of the basics:
- My name is Sarah
-I am apparently 32 years old
-Born and Raised in BC, Canada
-Legal Recreational Cannabis User

I would describe myself as a free spirited stoner, a creative type.. marching to the beat of my own drum.

My hobbies include:
-Crafting.. obviously
-Snowboarding, Biking, Adventuring
-Chilling Outdoors
-Expanding my Mind

My general life story is:

I was born into a middle-class family that consisted of my Mom, Dad, and one older, polar opposite sister.

When I was younger my parents worked a lot so I spent most of my time with my cute British Grandma who was the creative type (a sewer and a knitter) she always had craft supplies around for me, made me homemade play dough and taught me the basics of sewing. She's the best and I think I owe a lot of who I am today to her.

My creativeness grew until I hit high school and was convinced by my parents (forced is too strong of a word) into taking the sciences biology, chemistry. Since everyone knows there aren't jobs for artists.. *eye roll*

Nearing the end of high school when probed about what I wanted to do when I "grew up" I would just say I want to create things. Truthfully I had no idea what, or how I could make a living out of it. But I just wanted to make things and live life on my own terms.

But once again I went against what I really wanted and went to school to be a Social Service Worker for two years then started working in the field. Unfortunately, my own depression and anxiety made it really hard to excel in this career path. I couldn't take care of myself and others.

So it was back to the drawing board.. this time I drew up a business plan with my life partner to open an eco-friendly clothing store, concentrated on hemp products.

With no formal education in business, my partner and I set off on this journey to be entrepreneurs. Which went surprisingly well! We wrote a business plan, secured funding from multiple government organizations and opened up shop within a year and a half. Being an entrepreneur was tough, long hours, little pay but it was so worth it.

Then something crazy happened, a marijuana activist, from our hometown, who just won $25 MILLION walked into our store and asked if we wanted help to expand the store into a head shop. This was our end goal so we jumped at the opportunity. It was exciting times, but after a while, the honeymoon ended and my partner and I left the business in 2015.

On to bigger and better things, I created Chronic Crafter! An online business that I can promote creativity and cannabis, both of which have helped improve my quality of life greatly.

I've created a cannabis themed coloring book for stoners, MMJ users and potheads to use for relaxation, meditation, and entertainment. This was the first product I created.

Since then I created a successful Etsy store where I sell stoner craft and stationery supplies including pot leaf glitter!

I love getting high and DIY and if you’re still reading this then I bet you do too!.

So join me on Youtube or The Weedtube for videos and I'm on Instagram and Pinterest!

Much Love, Stay High and Stay Crafty

- Sarah