How to Keep the Smell of Weed Down

I think that weed smells wonderful and I'm sure you agree but not to everyone does.

And even if you LOVE the smell maybe you don't want it to be smelt in your room, house, apartment or dorm room. 

In this blog post I'm going to tell you how to keep the smell of cannabis down, including using smell proof storage, how to keep the smell down during consumption and how to get rid of the smell when you're done smoking. 


In this blog post I'm going to tell you how to keep the smell of cannabis down, including using smell proof storage, how to keep the smell down during consumption and how to get rid of the smell when you're done smoking. 

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Smell Proof Storage

If you're worried about the smell of your cannabis nugs then smell proof containers are your friend.

They are air tight to keep the smell inside to help keep your dank buds on the down low. There are a lot of companies making smell proof containers and they come in a variety of sizes and styles. 


Check out these stylish bags from Stashlogix and Skunk Bags or you can grab what is esstentialy a heavy duty smell proof ziplock bag from Smelly Proof


I have all three of these air tight containers (TightVac, CVault and Medtainer). They are all awesome and do their job perfectly.

Glass Jars

If you have small amounts of cannabis in your home or just want to show off your pretty buds then there are always glass jars.

Just be careful not all glass jars are created equal, make sure it has an air tight gasket. 

Besides keeping the smell down, air tight containers also help keep your herbs fresh. 

During Smoking

Combusting cannabis is the most "stinky"! Here are a couple ways to keep the smell to a minimum


This used to be only a DIY solution, take a toilet paper roll tube and stuff it with those sweet smelling drier sheets. Blow your smoke through the tube and it will be disguise the weed smell with a laundry smell.. kinda 

But the DIY method is a little sketchy so luckily there's a company that made a sploof that works and looks better - Meet the Smoke Buddy

Blow your smoke through the Smoke Buddy and clean air comes out the other side. It's good for up to 300 uses and costs around $20.00


Air Purifier

If you want something that eliminates the smell in an entire room then conisder getting an air purifier. 

Vape Instead

Vapes don't produce smoke the way that consuming cannabis does in a bong, pipe or joint so it really does help cut down on the smell and it doesn't seem to linger in a room the way that smoke does. 

After the Sesh

Air Fresheners, Candles or Incense 

If you REALLY need to get rid of the smell of smoked cannabis then use an air freshener that actually removes the smell from the air and not just mask it.

If you just want to disguise the smell a bit then you can always use the incesnse or a scented candle 


Smoke doesn't just hangout in your room or house it also hangs out on you. The smell will fade over time or you can:

  • Wash your hands
  • Have a mint or brush your teeth
  • Change clothes
  • Perfume or colange 

Other Tricks of the Trade

  • Put a towel in the crack of your door to keep the smell in a room
  • Keep your bongs and pipes clean
  • Don't hold onto roaches
  • Open a window while smoking and have a fan pointed out the window so its suck out all the smoke
  • Have edibles instead of smoking
  • Put scented dryer sheets in your air vent
  • Sit near a window and blow the smoke outside
  • Smoke outside

I hope this article will help you keep the smell of your cannabis on the down low