Cannabis Leaf Themed Baking Tools

These aren't your grandma's baking tools, I've found all the best cannabis themed cookie cutters, baking pans, and other kitchen supplies.  They are perfect to make your edibles with or you make your "normal" baking even more dope.

First let me introduce you to the EASIEST way to cannabis butter (if you're a legal marijuana patient or live somewhere cannabis is legal)

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The Magical Butter Machine takes the work and guesswork out of cannabutter creation and makes it.. well magical.

I LOVE my Magical Butter Machine, its the best, easiest and quickest way to make cannabis oil, butter, or tinctures. 

Once the machine has finished making your butter, just strain out the plant matter and pour your liquid butter into the silicone (non-stick) butter stick mold and let it harden. Using this mold will help you out with measurement and storage, get two birds stoned with one product.

So grab your apron and your rolling pin and let's get baking!


A key aspect of making potent edibles is the decarboxylation of your cannabis before infusion. To do this you need to accurately heat your cannabis in the oven.

If you bake the cannabis too hot you’ll destroy cannabinoids but if you don’t get it hot enough then you won’t activate the THC. This decarb box from Magical Butter will help you monitor the temperature, time and help cut down on the small with its silicone box.


Once your infusion is complete, you must separate the plant matter from your oil or butter. You can use cheese cloth but it you want but if you want an easier, less messy and pure infusions then grab either of the filter systems below.


Once you’ve finished making your infusions you need to consider how you’re going to store your butters, oils or tinctures. I really like these silicone butter molds (also good for solid coconut oil). Not only will they help keep your infusions fresh but there are measurements in the molds so when you’re ready to use your infusions it’s easy to get the exact amount you need.

If you’re storing liquid infusions the best storage is in an amber glass jar to help preserve the cannabinoids.


There are a bunch of baking tools out there to take your cookies, brownies, or cakes from the traditional boring shape to cannabis shaped!



Maybe you're more of a Chocolatier? (fancy word for people who make chocolate) Medicated or unmedicated I'd rather eat chocolate that's shaped like weed


Weed Leaf Waffle Maker

Also you don't want to burn your fingers when you're making your baking so get yourself some weedy pot holders... get it? Pot holders? 😂 


Everything is baked don’t it's time to decorate

Presentation is everything!

Have fun with your food and decorate it. Stick fake doobie candles in your cake, add some green sparkling icing, or weed themed cupcake toppers, and of course you can never go wrong with some green sprinkles

Happy Baking

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Baking Supplies for Cannabis Edibles